Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Do and don't

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Orchard Beach

Just before leaving streamside of the Esopus, a milestone (pun intended).

How many people would think Bronx on seeing these shots?

Frolicking in the water, yet again.

Headed for Queens, and home.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Heading downstate

Looking northeast from the Esopus, by Mt. Pleasant Road.

 A variation on the stream-side stone sculpture.
 Enjoying frolicking in the water.

Looking back toward Phoenicia.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Remnants of Irene

It is not at all diifficult to find Irene's effects in our corner of Ulster County. Creek-side litteris not only about last on the list of what needs cleaning up; usually it is simply left alone. Until the next flood.

Evidence of a mortar-free stone wall, from long ago, stands astride the new stream bed carved out by Irene's waters. Here we walked, between the Old Plank Road and the Esopus. Is that tree from nearby, or from afar?

 Part of a port-a-potty, the roof, it'd seem.
 A bread basket, the sort of a delivery is made on, one a a handful we saw as we walked.

 Another basket.
 Tree litter, as if they were matchsticks.
 Where did that piece of black lumber come from?

A backpack, perhaps a pillow?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Upstate, mid-December

Autumn is a distant memory, winter a threat, looming but not quite here, yet. Nonetheless, it has gotten cold, and the scenery is stark. Leaves are gone, mostly. Colors are reduced to muted tones, but for the occassional berry.

Campers are no longer using Wilson State Park, and cross-country skiers haev not yet arrived, awaiting snow. That leaves the Park open for hikers and dogwalkers, and dogs, and, of course, the ever-present geese.

Berries provided the only bright color; well, the red-stemmed plants do lend some variation, as well.

A weir between the lake and the creek.

Using auto-focus on the camera provides this unintended shot: the bush is focused on, the weir in the background.

A bird house is stuffed full of nesting material.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Chien-Chi Chang

A Magnum member. I received the Magnum email,and it featured this priceless photogrpah.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Queens restaurant

Picture not clear, but intent is. Good restaurant in Bayside, Queens, on Springfield Boulevard and 64th Avenue.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Brooklyn Museum,